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Business Meeting

Welcome to The Antigonish Oyster CLC

Town Point Consulting, operating as Town Point Oysters (TPO), has applied for a new oyster aquaculture lease in Antigonish Harbour.

As part of our ongoing commitment to community engagement, we are establishing an arms-length Community Liaison Committee (CLC) in the Antigonish area. The CLC will provide an opportunity for open dialogue between Town Point Oysters and local communities. 

The establishment and operation of the CLC follows the principles of Nova Scotia Environment's Guide for the Formation and Operation of a Community Liaison Committee.

Individuals are encouraged to apply to become members of the CLC. Members will represent stakeholder groups that have an interest in the local community, Examples include but are not limited to, business, tourism, environment, and government. The committee will be comprised of about 10 but no more than 12 members.

We encourage participation, whether it be submissions to the committee, attendance at the meetings, or applying to become a CLC member. We currently have 11 members, however, we will entertain additional requests to join the CLC  committee to a maximum of 12 members. If you are interested in participating as a CLC member please submit an application for consideration. 

For more information about Town Point Oysters, visit

A Community Working Together

Working Together
Factual Information
Stakeholders Working Together
To foster open communication; seek feedback, answer questions, understand how community concerns may be mitigated.
Proactively Engage
Facilitate effective and meaningful communications and relations with members of the local community.
Enable Relevant Stakeholder Groups to Participate 
Provide an opportunity for community stakeholder groups to present feedback from their constituents to this committee. Work together closely and positively with the Antigonish community, hearing and supporting each other. 
Sharing Facts, Science, and Potential Impacts 
While the establishment of a CLC is not a requirement of the application approval process, it was felt important that an arms-length CLC be established to provide a forum for the dissemination of credible facts and science-based information. As thorough and well-reasoned discussion can only occur when built on a foundation of sound information, providing credible facts and science-based information is a key objective of this CLC.
Operate with Transparency.
Membership in the CLC does not signify a member’s approval or disapproval of oyster aquaculture facilities in the community. All members must operate in a transparent and acceptable manner in accordance with the CLC Charter and collectively work towards the goal of understanding how community concerns may be mitigated.

To foster effective and meaningful communications and relations with members of the local community

Contact Us

Contact Us

To contact us, please e-mail Stephen Feist, CLC Chair, at 

or mail inquiries to

Stephen Fiest

c/o Antigonish Oyster CLC

P.O. Box 20021

Antigonish NS B2G 0E2 

Antigonish Oyster CLC Antigonish Oyster Community Liaison Committee

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